So much has happened since our last update, it’s hard to know where to begin! Week three started with architecture, 3D models, and a craft talk from artist and architect Bishakh Som.

Architecture was followed by an amulet-making workshop with guest teacher Jessie Levandov.

We were busy the rest of the week with coding our narrative-based games and Book Club, including a conversation with the author of this summer’s book, P. Djeli Clark.
Then author N.K. Jemisin stopped by to lead us in an in-depth world-building workshop.

In week four, we discussed surveillance technology and designed looks to subvert facial recognition software.

After spending two weeks coding our games, graphic designer Dana Li came by to help us style them.

We also made collaborative poetry quilts and started our weaving projects. Then we closed out the week with a clothing and book swap organized by our Fellows!

We still have one week left and lots to do–look out for our third and final update coming soon!