Camp is over but the fun continues! After four weeks of writing, learning, exploring, and building together, it’s bittersweet to say goodbye to Camp. But luckily we have one more chance to get together: you’re all invited to our virtual Summer Showcase in just 3 days, where you’ll get a chance to see all the amazing work our Institute Participants have been creating behind the scenes! Don’t miss out — RSVP for free now and see you on Thursday!

In our last two weeks of Camp, we explored storytelling with workshops on branching narratives, using the open-source tool Twine to merge creative writing abilities with programming skills, and had a book club visit from The Jumbies author Tracey Baptiste! Guest teacher Tahara Anderson led us in an art-making workshop, using her illustration and graphic design background to teach us about crafting word portraits and other visual creations.

Our Summer Institute participants had the chance to gather in person for a field day at Prospect Park, where they learned about herbalism, foraging native plants, and making essential oils.

Our teens also learned about making a living as a writer from Hugo Award-winning author and MacArthur Fellow N. K. Jemisin! N. K. discussed her experiences starting out in the field and how she went on to create some of the most popular and visionary fictional worlds in science fiction and fantasy.